作者: William J. Bernstein


A suboptimal strategy you can live with and execute is better than an optimal oen you can't.

It's only slight simplification to say that we own stocks to hedge long-term risk and bonds to hedge short-term risk.

Asset allocation is the only factor affecting your investments that you can actually influence.

A security of less than 1 year is called a Treasury bill, or more simply, a T-bill. An obligation of 1 to 10 years is called a note, and of greater than 10 years a bond.

It is the human nature to find patterns where there are one.


This is a well-written book. It shows how to construct your portfolios in the modern scoiety.


General Considerations

  • Average Return: simply adding up all of the annual returns and dividing by the number of years.
  • Annualized Return (time weighted return): An annualized total return is the geometric average amount of money earned by an investment each year over a given time period.
  • Use the standard deviation as a measure of risk:
    • Money market: 2%-3%
    • Short-term bond: 3%-5%
    • Long term bond: 6%-8%
    • Domestic stocks(conservative): 10%-14%
    • Domestic stocks(aggressive): 15%-25%
    • Foreign stocks: 15%-25%
    • Emerging markets stocks: 25%-35%

The Behavior of Multiple-Assset Portfolios

  • Dividing your portfolio between assets with uncorrelated results increases return while decreasing risk.
  • Some key points about diversity:
    • If two assets have similar long-term returns and risks and are not perfectly correlated, then investing in a fixed, rebalanced mix of the two not only reduces risk but also actually increases return.
    • If two poorly correlated assets have similar returns and risks, then the optimal mix of the two will be close to 50/50.
  • It is difficult to find two assets that are uncorrelated, and it is practically impossible to find three.


  • The concept of correlation of assets is central to portfolio theory—the lower the correlation, the better.
  • Diversifying your portfolio among uncorrelated assets reduces risk and increases return. It is necessary to rebalance your portfolio periodically to capture this increased return.

The Behavior of Real World Portfolios

  • In the real world, the correlations usually cluster between 0.3 and 0.8
  • The essence of effective portfolio construction is the use of a large number of poorly correlated assets.
  • The correlation between two assets is not fixed, it can change over the time.
  • The real purpose of portfolio backtesting, mean-variance analysis, or any other kind of portfolio analysis is not to find the “best” asset mix. Rather, it is to find a portfolio mix that will not be too far off the mark under a wide variety of circumstances.
  • The efficient portfolois change over the time. There is no way of predicting the best portfolio for the next time period.

Optimal Asset Allocations

  • Sticking by your target asset allocation through thick and thin is much more important than picking the right asset allocation.
  • Mean-variance Optimizer

    • An optimizer will heavily favor those assets with high historical or assumed returns.
    • If you can predict the optimizer inputs well enough to come close to the future efficient frontier, then you don’t need an optimizer in the first place.
  • Three steps to design an asset allocation

    • How many different asset classes do I want
    • How conventional a portfolio do I want
    • How much risk do I want to take
  • Asset classes

    • Level 1:

      • U.S. large stocks (S&P 500)
      • U.S. small stocks (CRSP)
      • Foreign stocks
      • U.S. short-term bonds
    • Level 2:

      • U.S. large stocks (S&P 500)
      • U.S. small stocks (CRSP)
      • Foreign large stocks
      • Emerging market stock
      • Foreign small stocks
      • RETIs
      • U.S. short-term bonds

Market Efficiency

  • No one cam time the market.
  • Indexing is the right way to do.
  • Using autocorrelation to test if we use the history to predict future.

Odds and Ends

  • Value Investing

    • Price/Earnings(P/E) ratio: How much you are paying for the earnings.
      • P/E=30 \(\Rightarrow\) expensive
      • p/E=10 \(\Rightarrow\) cheap
    • Price/Book(P/B) ratio
      • Book Vale \(\approx\) net value of the cooporate
      • P/B>5 \(\Rightarrow\) expensive
      • P/B<1 \(\Rightarrow\) cheap
    • Dividend yield: it is simply the amount of dividend remitted to the shareholders divided by the price of the stock.
    • Good companies are generally bad stocks, and bad companies are generally good stocks.
  • Three-factor Model: any stock asset class earns four different returns:

    • The risk-free rate, that is, the time value of money. Usually set at the short-term T-bill rate.
    • The market-risk premium. That additional return earned by exposing yourself to the stock market.
    • The size premium. The additional return earned by owning small-company stocks.
    • The value premium. The additional return earned by owning value stocks.

Implementing Your Asset Allocation Strategy

  • Choosing Your Allocation

    • Determine your basic allocation between stocks and bonds. Answer this: “What is the biggest annual portfolio loss I am willing to tolerate in order to get the highest returns?”
    • Determine how much complexity you can tolerate.
    • Determine how much tracking error you can tolerate.
  • Vanguard and DFA

    • Recommended Vanguard Mutual Fund
      • Vanguard 500 Index Fund
      • Vanguard Tax-Managed Growth and Income Fund
      • Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund
        • 75% large cap + 15% mid cap and 10% small cap
      • Vanguard Value Index Fund
        • This fund tracks the bottom 50% of market capitalization of the S&P 500 when sorted by price/book ratio.
      • Vanguard Small-Cap Index Fund
      • Vanguard Tax-Managed Small-Cap Fund.
      • Vanguard Small-Cap Value Index
      • Vanguard European and Pacific Stock Index Funds.
      • Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund.
      • Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund.
      • Vanguard REIT Index Fund.
  • Executing the plan

    • Dollar Cost Average (DCA) is a wonderful technique, but it is not a free lunch.
    • Value average is also a usful technique.
  • Rebalance

    • One or two years is good enough.
  • Final words:

    • Risk and reward are inextricably entwined.
    • Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
    • Portfolios behave differently than their constituent parts.
    • For a given degree of risk, there is a portfolio that will deliver the most return; this portfolio occupies the efficient frontier of portfolio compositions.
    • Focus on the behavior of your portfolio, not on its constituent parts.
    • Recognize the benefits of rebalancing.
    • The markets are smarter than you are; they are also smarter than the experts.
    • Know how expensive the tomatoes are.
    • Good companies are usually bad stocks; bad companies are usually good stocks.
    • In the long run, it is very hard to beat a low-expense index mutual fund.

Investment Resources

  • Reading List:
    • Random Walk Down Wall Street, Burton Malkiel
    • Common Sense on Mutual Funds, John Bogle
    • Asset Allocation, Roger Gibson
    • Global Investing, Roger Ibbotso and Gary Brinson
    • What Has Worked in Investing, Tweedy, Browne
    • The New Finance: The Case Against Efficient Markets, Robert Haugen
    • Value Averaging, Michael Edleson
    • The Intelligent Investor, Ben Graham
    • The Wall Street Journal.
    • Portfolio Selection, Harry Markowitz
    • Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation, Ibbotson Associates


这是一本非常高质量的书,书的作者本身是一个化学博士,还是神经科医生。作为一个科学从业者,他的写作能力非常高超,整本书的阅读体验非常好。 论点有理有据,是一本不可多得的好书。



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