Title Meditation for Beginners
Author Jack Kornfield
Release Date 2006
ISBN 978-1-59179-834-7


If we want things that are always changing to stay the same and to get attached to them, we get disappointed, we suffer.


这是一本非常初级,但是很实用的冥想入门书籍。 这本书没有空谈什么「大道理」,直接从可操作的练习方法入手,让新手很快掌握冥想的基本方法。


Benefits of Meditation Practice

  • It can help us learn how to remain more open, and it can help us learn how to love with our whole hearts—and to be unafraid to express that love.
  • Meditative awareness reduces tension and heals the body.

Meditation 1: Connecting with the Breath

  1. Find a stable and comfortable posture so that you can become aware of your body in the present mement.
  2. Allow your shoulders to drop and your hands to rest anywhere that is comfortable.
  3. Close eyes gently.
  4. Bring your awareness into the present moment.
  5. Feel your breath. Focus on the breath.
  6. Each time you drift away, return to feel the next breath.

Meditation 2: Working with Sensations in the Body

  1. Expand your field of awareness to include all of the energies and sensations in your body.
  2. The body will start to relese the tension and pain it stored.
  3. Try to name the sensations your body feel.
  4. You do not decide intellectually what it is supposed to be like. Your meditation will open like a flower does, each aspect in its own time.
  5. Three kinds of painful sensations:
    • The signal that something is wrong.
      • Wrong position
    • A common experience is to get pins and needles and tingles in your legs.(脚麻)
      • Go with it.
    • The third and most frequent type of pain includes every other uncomfortable sensation that comes with having a body.
  6. Your job is not to control the sensations, but letting them come and go.

Meditation 3: Working with Feelings and Emtions

  1. The first feeling that many people experience in meditation is desire, or the “wanting mind.”
    • Do not suppress it
    • Do not act it either
    • To feel it and name it.
  2. Do not suppress any feelings and emtions
  3. Just accept and feel it.

Meditation 4: Witnessing Your Thoughts

  • When your mind keeps thinking about future and past, do not judge them!
  • Tell youself that these are just stories and they are not real.
  • Label them as "remembering" or "planning".
  • It does not matter how long often or how long your thoughts last. What real matters is the moment that you realize you arre thinking and go back to breath.

Meditation 5: Forgiveness Meditation

  • Forgiveness is not about condoning what happened.
  • Forgiveness is a matter of letting go of the past and knowing that even though something was wrong, the way to go forward is to start over.

  • First you ask forgiveness for yourself for when you have hurt or harmed anyone in thought, word, or deed, knowingly or unknowingly—and we all have.

  • Then ask forgiveness for the ways you have hurt and harmed yourself out of fear, pain, ignorance, neglect, and dishonesty.
  • Finally, let the wounds and sorrows you have suffered at the hands of others come into your awareness.

Meditation 6: Lovingkindness Meditation

  • The next step is to begin to feel compassion for your struggles and sorrows.
  • Then think of someone you love, someone for whom you naturally feel compassion.




虽然我很喜欢这本书,但是老实说我并没有完全看完这本书。 本书的最后几章内容和我的关系不是很大,我也没打算继续实践最后两章的冥想方法,因此直接跳过了。



  • 2019年4月27日写作并发表

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